Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

October 19, 2004


Location:            District Office, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                     Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Ms. Carolyn Andrews                                                          Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Clar Brown                                                  Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Terry Brown                                                  Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Linda Cutler                                                   Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Randy Edison                                                  Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Gerald Hounsell

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Mr. Greg Roberts

Ms. Lisa Wheeler


1.            Approval of Agenda


At the Chair’s request to review the agenda, the following items were added:


6.2            Substitute Teacher Hours

6.3            Remuneration for Board Trustees


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated with the inclusion of items referenced above.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1            Regular Meeting – September 28, 2004


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the September 28, 2004 as circulated with the following amendment to item 6.2 that the Executive Officers of the Board are Terry Brown, Vice Chair, Carolyn Andrews,  Secretary and Scott Pritchett, Treasurer. ( Andrews/C. Brown).  Carried




3.            Business Arising


            3.1            NLSBA – Insurance Policy


The NLSBA Insurance Policy would be discussed by the Finance & Property Committee and then it would be referred back to the Board for any further consideration.


            3.2            Official Opening of New World Island Academy


The official opening ceremonies for the New World Island Academy have been set for 7:00 PM, Wednesday, November 24, 2004.  The Minister and other dignitaries will be invited.


4.         Reports


            4.1            Finance-Property Committee (Scott)


Scott Pritchett gave a report of the Finance & Property Committee Minutes highlighting a number of the issues:


Correspondence from:


·        Minister of Education August 17, 2004 to use the $150,000 special incentive funds to increase the furniture and equipment budget of New World Island School project to $300,000.  As well for the Board to use up to $160,000 from special incentive funds for the construction of a one-classroom extension to Riverwood Academy.  The Minister granted permission for the Board to borrow up to $310,000 for these projects to be paid for from special incentive funds.

·        Minister of Education July 27, 2004 giving permission to borrow $570,000 for the purchase of 7 new school buses

·        Minister of Education May 25, 2004 approving capital construction projects for District #6 as follows:

St. Gabriel’s All Grade            Fire Rate Corridors/Stairs

Lewisporte Academy            Replace Wooden Locker

Gander Academy                  Fire Rate Classroom Doors

Twilingate Elementary            Fire Rate Ceiling

Gill Memorial Academy            Roof Replacement

Lewisporte Middle School      Roof Replacement

·        Minister of Education May 25, 2004 approval of funding for the former District #5 capital construction projects:

Leo Burke Academy            Accessibility

Dorest Collegiate                  Artesian Well & Pump

·        Request from Gaye Roberts requesting the purchase of land at the rear of the former Middle School in Gander for the purposes of constructing a pre-school.


Motion:            that we not sell any land associated with Board property located off Elizabeth Drive, Gander.  (Pritchett.Hounsell).  Carried.

Greg Roberts requested that it be recorded that he abstained from this vote in compliance with conflict of interest procedures.

·        Ingrid Clarke, August 26, 2004 approval for $50,000 for an accessibility project at Baie Verte High.

·        Gary Hatcher, October 14, 2004 seeking final approval by the Insurance Division to proceed with the recommended rebuild at Carmanville School Complex.

·        Gary Hatcher, October 5, 2004 to request to prioritize all outstanding capital construction projects within the new district.

·        Ingrid Clarke, August 25, 2004 approval of $74,000 for emergency funding for structural repairs to the foundation and crawl space at Lewisporte Collegiate.

Motion:            to recommend to the EIC to extend Lewisporte Collegiate funding by $10,000 to complete the project.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.

·        Summerford Pentecostal Church for the PA System at Inter Island Academy – to advise the Church we will be using this system in one of our other schools.


Exploits Valley High – Maple Division


There was structural weakness in an exterior classroom wall at Exploits Valley High – Maple.  This problem came to light during a windstorm earlier in the Fall.


Motion:            to apply for Capital Emergency funding to do an assessment of the structural condition of Exploits Valley High – Maple as addressed in a recent inspection report by AE Services.  (Pritchett/T. Brown).  Carried.


Operating line of Credit


Motion:            to seek approval for a $2,000,000 line of credit.  (Pritchett/Cutler).  Carried.


            4.2            Governance & System Review Committee (Terry Brown)


Terry Brown gave a report on the Governance & System Review Committee:


·        The Constitution of the Board has to be developed and submitted to the Minister within 6 months for approval

·        New electoral map has to be developed

·        Revisions to school systems to maintain or improve program (review of school buildings) needs to be examined

·        Mr. Brown stated that he intends to use the Minutes of the Governance & System Review Committee to form the basis of his report

·        It was decided that, in future, the meetings of this committee would be held 2:00 PM on the Tuesday immediately prior to the Board Meeting.


            4.3            Program-Personnel Committee (Carolyn Andrews)


Carolyn Andrews gave a report of the Program-Personnel Committee Meeting.


·        The role of the committee and the challenges around program support was the focus of the discussion at the initial meeting of the committee

·        This committee will meet 2 weeks before the regular board meetings except for next time the committee will meet on November 3.


            4.4            Director’s Report


                        The Director presented a verbal report:


·        Kenny Kerfont, a student at Hillside Academy, LaScie tragically passed away

·        New Minister, Tom Hedderson

·        Fabian Manning, Parliamentary Assistant

·        New World Island Academy official opening November 24

·        Senior Management will be attempting to visit all schools in new district as quickly as possible during the first months of the new operation

·        Senior Management have met with all principals

·        The Carmanville and Eastport school reconstruction projects are on target with the Carmanville tender being called at end of this month and Eastport shortly afterwards.  A completion date of September 5, 2005 for both projects is still our goal.  These facilities will be substantially improved facilities and they will be designed with an eye on future needs.

·        Reflecting on the first 6 weeks of the operation of the new board,  there are many challenges for staff.


            4.5            NLSBA News (Bill Sceviour)


·        The Chairperson gave a verbal report of two conference calls since the last board meeting.   The viability of the NLSBA was discussed.  There is another meeting planned to take place in the short while.  The Chairman distributed some information from the NLSBA. 

·        Discussion took place re the viability and usefulness of the NLSBA for member school boards and how the fees must be justified in terms of real service from NLSBA.  Some boards have agreed to release fees to the NLSBA until the end of this calendar year.  Because there are a smaller number of boards NLSBA is needed more now as a unified voice.


Motion:            to fund the NLSBA based on last year’s rates to the end of this calendar year.  (Pritchett/T. Brown).  Carried.


·        The Chairman reported on a meeting that he was invited to participate in Dialogue on Rural Secretariat on October 14 at the Terra Nova Lodge. The event was sponsored by the provincial government.


            4.6            Strategic Social Plan Committee


·        First meeting is scheduled for November 1, 2004.


5.            Correspondence


Minister Ottenheimer to Chair, October 7, 2004 thanking the board for its support in his role as Minister of Education.


Parent – Grand Falls/Windsor re students from Exploits Valley High – Greenwood Division smoking on his property.  The Director and school are now working through the issues.  Meetings on the matter are ongoing.


6.         New Business


            6.1            Budget


·        Scott Pritchett presented the budget for the new district.

·        Scott and Shawn highlighted some of the budget items stating there is a transfer of $269,000 from the accumulated surplus to balance the budget.

·        Scholarship funds are restricted funds and not included in the budget.

·        Shawn wrote a letter to Mr. Chappell re scholarship funds confirming that this particular scholarship would remain with Indian River High School.


Motion:            that this balanced budget be accepted as presented.  (Pritchett/Andrews).  Carried.


6.2            Substitutes Teacher Hours


A discussion ensued re the cutback in substitute teachers hours by $500,000 province wide and what effect this will have on extra curricular activities. 


The Director reported that there will be challenges in addressing the full range of demands for use of substitute time.


Motion:            to extend the meeting for 15 minutes.  (Hounsell/T. Brown).  Carried.


6.3            Remuneration for School Board Trustees


This item was deferred and will be handled by the Finance & Property Committee who will then report back to the board.


7.         Closed Session


Motion:            to move into a closed session  ( Hounsell/Roberts)   Carried


Motion:            to move out of the closed session. (Pritchett/Hounsell)  Carried.


8.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 7 PM in the Regional Office, Grand Falls/Windsor.


9.            Adjournment


Motion:            to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 PM (Pritchett).  Carried.




_________________________                                  _______________________

William Sceviour                                                           Florence Granville

Chair                                                                            Recorder